
Unruh Insurance Agency

Specialty Insurance

Formerly called Advanced Insurance Coverages, Aon Edge got its start in 2003 by offering excess flood insurance to agents selling policies through the National Flood Insurance Program. Aon Edge is dedicated to offering flood coverage that works for everyone.

With the changing climate, more people are exposed to flooding than ever before. Aon Edge prides itself on helping individuals and their communities during their greatest times of need.

At Unruh, we’re proud to be able to offer coverage from Aon Edge. To get started with a quote, click the button below.

Flood insurance from Aon Edge

Extra Flood Protection

The National Flood Insurance Program limits coverage on residential buildings to $250,000. However, 50% of homes in the US are worth over $408,000. In the event of a catastrophic flood, you may want extra protection, which is where Excess Flood Insurance comes into play.

Program Highlights:

• Coverage up to $5 million (building and contents)
• Coverage for structures with replacement cost value up to $15 million
• Coverage for residential and commercial properties (excluding condos)

Excess Flood Insurance in PA

Designed to supplement an existing flood policy, coverage from Aon Edge is ideal for those with higher value residential and commercial properties. Excess flood coverage is a good way to cover gaps in standard flood insurance and help you better recover from a loss in the event of a catastrophic flood.

Looking for a Quote?

Are you looking for extra flood protection? Start your better insurance experience with Unruh by contacting us today and we will get started with a quote from AonEdge. Our services won’t cost you a dime. Plus, we’ll answer any questions you may have along the way. Simple as that.

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    Downtown Denver

    Downtown Denver

    Unruh Insurance Agency, Inc.
    335 Main Street
    Denver, PA 17517
    P: 717-335-2929 | F: 717-335-2923

    Mon. – Fri. : 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
    Sat. : 9:00am - 12:00pm
    Shady Maple

    Shady Maple Complex

    Unruh Insurance Agency, Inc.
    1344 Main Street
    East Earl, PA 17519
    P: 877-854-3309 | F: 717-351-5431

    Mon. – Fri. : 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
    Sat. : Closed
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