Unruh Insurance

Avoiding Distracted Driving

Around 3,000 people die each year from distracted driving. In 2019, another 424,000 people were injured in distracted driving accidents.

Did You Know?

There Are 3 Types of Distracted Driving

Scribbled Arrow

Visual distractions include anything that takes your eyes off the road. Huge touchscreens and cell phones are two of the most common visual distractions.

Visual Distractions


While traveling at 55 miles per hour, sending a text is like driving the length of a football field with your eyes closed!

Consider This:

Avoid Visual Distractions by:

• Stowing away cell phone • Asking a passenger to adjust radio, GPS, and climate controls • Mounting a mobile GPS close to eye level

Manual distractions are any acts that cause you to take one or both hands off the wheel.

Manual Distractions


“Autopilot and Full Self-Driving Capability are intended for use with a fully attentive driver, who has their hands on the wheel and is prepared to take over at any moment.” - Tesla

Even "Self Driving" Means Hands on the Wheel

Avoid Manual Distractions by:

• Prepping before leaving home by adjusting seats, etc. • Properly hydrating • Having IDs and debit cards ready, if needed • Pulling over to eat

Cognitive distractions include things like road rage, talking to a passenger, driving under the influence, and tiredness.

Cognitive Distractions


Instead of doing two things at once, attention switches quickly between the two tasks, assigning one task as primary and the other as secondary, causing blindness to surroundings and slower reactions.

Multitasking is a Myth

Well practiced driving tasks (like following traffic lights) can be done while listening to music, but can lead drivers to believe they are multitasking effectively.

A False Sense of Security

Avoid Cognitive Distractions by:

• Ensuring you're well rested • Taking deep breaths • Saving arguments and deep conversations for later • Finding a safe spot to pull over and gather yourself

Distracted driving affects not only the general public, but the business world too. Take a closer look via our latest blog post.